Online Live Tutoring with vetted tutors
All subjects, anytime, anywhere
English, French & other languages
Language Exams Preparation
GCSE, A-level, IB, K-12 subjects

We will match you with the right tutor to meet your unique needs.
1-on-1 language tutoring




Featured ESL tutors

IELTS tutors

Cambridge Exams tutors

TOEFL tutors

TPR (5-10 y.o.) tutors
Language courses



IELTS Preparation

CELPIP Preparation (Canada)
1-on-1 academic subjects tutoring

K-12 USA

K-12 Canada

GCSE/A-level (UK)

What is eTalk Live Tutoring?

The perfect tutor for every student
Flexible booking
Online Learning
Each student has unique learning requirements. For this reason, we ensure that our students are paired with a suitable tutor who can meet their individual needs.
Our flexible booking system allows you to change your schedule if needed quickly.
We provide high-quality and affordable tutoring, which can be accessed at your convenience. Our platform offers various features, such as a digital whiteboard, recording function, screen sharing, and more.

The perfect tutor for every student
Each student has unique learning requirements. For this reason, we ensure that our students are paired with a suitable tutor who can meet their individual needs.

Flexible booking
Our flexible booking system allows you to change your schedule if needed quickly.

Online Learning
We provide high-quality and affordable tutoring, which can be accessed at your convenience. Our platform offers various features, such as a digital whiteboard, recording function, screen sharing, and more.
Frequently Asked Questions
Our teachers come from all around the world and are all experienced and educated teachers of English as a foreign language. Each tutor goes through numerous and constant quality checks to make sure you are provided with the best service possible. Based on your profile we will match you with a proper teacher who can meet your needs and goals.
Of course! Before committing to the full month subscription or prepaid package, you are welcome to try us out within 10 day trial period. During the lesson the teacher will deep dive into understanding your personal needs, wishes and goals to help guide you through the program.
After you pay for a trial lesson, you will be contacted by our support who will help you to schedule a trial class. You may choose any time convenient to you within the 10 day trial period. Once the lesson is booked & confirmed, you will be forwarded to your personal account, where you can manage your personal data and subscriptions or a history of paid packages. All additional information and confirmations will be sent to your email.
eTalk utilizes a user-friendly and secure virtual classroom that facilitates live video sessions, interactive materials, and collaborative tools for an engaging online learning experience. All students need is the latest version of Google Chrome and a pair of headphones to get started.
eTalk adopts a personalized learning approach. Tutors employ diverse resources and adaptable methodologies to design customized learning plans tailored to each student’s needs. Students begin with a placement test to determine their initial language level, followed by regular assessments to monitor progress in achieving their language goals.
Each new learner takes a placement test to gauge their starting proficiency. eTalk provides monthly reports on attendance, finances, and lesson usage, with comprehensive language examinations conducted every three months to ensure consistent progress.
Yes, you can request a replacement for your assigned tutor at any time and for any reason.

Nick Sanders
Dec 12, 2022
We definitely recommend lessons on the eTalk platform. My son is 6 years old, and he clearly liked the game format of the lesson. He says that kindergarten is boring, but here it’s cool. Besides the fact that he eagerly sits down for the lesson, I can hear how his vocabulary is increasing and sentence construction is improving.

Brandon Jucknies
May 21, 2022
Like probably many people now, I decided to change jobs and try my hand at IT. If I found a job, I did not manage to learn English for this field on my own. Then I was advised by eTalk, because there are teachers who specialize in it. And so far I am satisfied. My colleagues notice my progress, and I keep learning.

Alice Cullen
Apr 9, 2022
This school is good for children with zero knowledge of English. Step-by-step approach, everything is chewed up, a lot of practice in communication and grammar.

Olivia Bryan
Jul 1, 2021
Convenient platform. You can choose the day and time of the lesson yourself. With the teachers you can both laugh and seriously discuss exercises. There is no unnecessary water in the themes, everything is clear and interesting.

Anna, Alexey’s mother
Apr 9, 2024
We chose the A-level program for physics and mathematics, and the results exceeded all expectations. My son has always been interested in science, but thanks to the structured teaching and attentive instructors, his knowledge has reached a whole new level. He is now confidently preparing to apply to top universities. Thank you for the personalized approach and support every step of the way!

Olga, Maria’s mother
Jul 1, 2024
My daughter has always loved mathematics, but with the A-level program, she began to see the subject from a new perspective. The teachers help her grasp complex concepts, develop logical thinking, and apply her knowledge in real-world scenarios. It’s the best choice for serious preparation for admission to international universities.
Find a Tutor in 3 Easy Steps
1. Request a Tutor

Fill in the application & sign up for a trial class.
2. Set & Confirm a trial class

Within 2-3 days, we will match you with an available tutor that meets your current needs and schedule a first trial class.
3. Choose a tutoring package & Start Learning

If you like a tutor, proceed with a tutoring package, choose between a monthly subscription or a one-time prepayment package, fix a schedule, and you are ready to go.

Fill in the application & sign up for a trial class.

Within 2-3 days, we will match you with an available tutor that meets your current needs and schedule a first trial class.

If you like a tutor, proceed with a tutoring package, choose between a monthly subscription or a one-time prepayment package, fix a schedule, and you are ready to go.
100% Satisfaction Guarantee
If you are not satisfied with your trial lesson, we will give you a free replacement with another tutor or a full refund
Did you know?
85% of users who started learning English with Personal Tutor performed at least 50% better after their first month.
Don’t know where to start?
Tell us your needs, and let us help you start your Learning.