What is CEFR and why do we need this standard?
The English curriculum in eTalk is based on the CEFR system. It is an international standard used to describe proficiency in a foreign language. The English level is often used in everyday life between the student and the teacher. Determining your level is important in order to track your progress in learning a language.
What is your level of English? Asking this of new students, we often get abstract answers: “I used to learn at school,” “I understand everything, but I can’t answer,” and sometimes “I watch movies with subtitles. And some declare bluntly, “I can’t even string two words together.”

The CEFR system uses a scale of 6 levels to indicate the level of language proficiency:
A1 (Beginner)
It’s a kind of “survival level. You can introduce yourself, exchange a few phrases with native speakers, and figure out the signs when you’re abroad.
A2 (Elementary)
At this level you can have a simple conversation, explain your problem and ask for help. This level is enough for a short trip abroad.
B1 (Intermediate)
The intermediate level allows you to speak with native speakers on general topics and state your opinion. You can use English at work and watch movies with subtitles.
B2 (Upper-Intermediate)
It is possible to reach the Above Average level only with a strong motivation. Now you can travel comfortably, communicate fluently with native speakers, and read books in the original (sometimes underlining unfamiliar words).
C1 (Advanced)
At the advanced level, you always understand what is being said, even if the speaker speaks quickly and with a bright accent. You don’t need to explain jokes and phrases.
C2 (Proficiency)
The highest level equals the carrier. In other words, you are your own. Now you don’t have the slightest stiffness when using the language. You form speech with ease, exchange opinions on any topic, even complex and profound.
At the eTalk Online English School, your teacher measures your English level on the CEFR scale to make a cross-section of your scores at the beginning of the class. These tests are then administered on a regular basis. You do not need to take any special tests – the teacher will include certain tasks in one of the lessons without focusing on them. This way you can get the most accurate result “in the moment” and see the real progress.